Cornelia Lichtner

Imprint & data protection

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) aims primarily to give control to citizens and residents over their personal data (…). (

Responsible under press regulation (VisdP):

Cornelia Lichtner
Schlossstrasse 85
77815 Buehl

I do not collect, store or share any personal data from visitors of this website, which is private in nature and non-commercial.

This website is based on a WordPress template.
According to WordPress, there are „…Some usual ways in which a standard WordPress site might collect user data:

  • user registrations,
  • comments,
  • contact form entries,
  • analytics and traffic log solutions,
  • any other logging tools and plugins,
  • security tools and plugins.“

(quote from

The site is hosted via the web provider Strato.
In order to host websites, they also collect and store data:
“The IP addresses of visitors to your website are collected and stored in log files. We store the IP addresses of visitors to your websites for a maximum of seven days in order to detect and defend against attacks.”
(quote from )

If you send me an email, the emailadress and any other information you chose to include is stored in my mail program. You can contact me any time to request the removal of this data.

If you have any questions, please contact me at info(at)